The Best Performing Mutual Funds in India
Vinay Dogra
Vinay Dogra
Monday 01 Jul 2024
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Planning to invest in best return mutual funds but confused that which one are the best? Don’t worry! Financenu is here to the rescue. Investing in mutual funds is a good decision as it grows your money and wealth over the period of time. Some people out there invest in mutual funds because they want growth, some do it because they want income and many do it aiming for both the scenarios: growth & income.

But the question here arises that where to invest. How can you find the best performing mutual funds where you can invest your money. With multiple options you can get confused but not a problem as this blog is for you only.

Let’s delve into this blog and find out the top performing mutual funds in which you can invest. 

Flexi Cap Funds

These types of funds have a flexible investment approach and they are generally referred to those who are moderate investors and will be building their wealth over a period of time. They include multiple benefits such as diversification, stability, growth & the growing market trends. The Bank of India Flexi Cap Fund and Motilal Oswal Flexicap Fund are some of the consistent performers. And they also offer three types of stocks large, mid and small.

Infrastructure Funds

India has its current focus on the growth and development of its country and with that investing in funds is a good thought. The alternatives like Nippon India Power & Infra Fund you can explore those as well. As the name infrastructure funds provides you the essential facilities and utilities which is essential.

Axis Bluechip Fund

This fund has generated highest return in Large Cap funds over the last 10 years and has an objective of having long-term capitalization as well. It has a strong growth potential as well because it has performed exceptionally well over the period of time.

Investing in mutual funds is a great option but you have to invest with proper knowledge and research. Mutual Funds not only help you to grow financially but it also helps you to build wealth. You can choose any best performer of mutual funds in India and invest in that to get returns but always stay alert and keep checking as well. Happy Investing with financenu.